Gregory Gilmore

Professional Portfolio

ISTE NETS and Performance Indicators


Standard 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning


Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:


a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations

I have demonstrated my knowledge of web development using HTML and Flash with the MCDA online newsletter and my the final project website for the introductory Web Development class.  Before creating my final project website, I created a design document that outlines the design, organization, function, and purpose of the website. I have also used web-based interfaces to create the Indian Trails Library web site and edit the Indian Trails Elementary web site.  I have also created a staff development plan to train other faculty members to create and edit their own classroom web sites using the Fort Osage web site.  The Collaborative VoiceThread project I created with a team of classmates demonstrates my fluency with researching, selecting, and using Web 2.0 tools for instruction. My courses have not only taught me coding skills, but presentation and design skills that make navigation logical and content accessible.

b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation

Many of the projects I completed during my degree focused on collaborative technologies and required collaboration with other classmate; these included the Collaborative VoiceThread project, Special Needs Case Study, Collaborative Lesson Script, and the Collaborative Debate Discussion Thread.  The Collaborative Writing Tools paper I completed with a collaborative group during CSCL demonstrates my ability to research, compare, and select collaborative technology tools. This degree offered me many opportunities to collaborate with my classmates and colleagues; these experiences have enhanced my ability to effectively plan for collaboration through online tools and obtain professional development from colleagues through online sources.

I also collaborate with other educators in my PLN through Twitter, NINGS, and Google Reader.  I have also conducted Skype visits with authors in my library, giving my students a chance to interact with authors. Even though their exposure to the author was brief, my students gained valuable insight into the writing and publishing process.

c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats

Through maintaining the Indian Trails Elementary website and Library Media Center web site, I am communicating with parents and community members.  The online MCDA newsletter I created was a communication tool for members of the Missouri Choral Directors Association across the state of Missouri.  When communicating information to students, I have used our district website to compile information for a listening lesson focusing on performances by Emily Bear and have compiled a lesson focusing on digital copyright into a LiveBinder. This degree has not only taught me the coding skills necessary to communicate through online tools, but presentation and design skills that make the content of a site accessible.

d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning

The Action Research Plan I created demonstrates my ability to form a research question, find published resources, and collect observational data to answer the research question.  I also created an Educational Technology Resources website as the final project of my Web Design class that compiles technology resources that are applicable to education.  These resources include SMART Board tools, English Language Arts and Math activities, digital citizenship references, and tools for building a personal learning network.  I also subscribe to several educational blogs through Google Reader that helps me stay current on the latest educational trends, along with allowing me the ability to search through past blog postings when the need arises.  I have found that searching through Google Reader is more efficient than using a Google Search because the blogs I have collected in Google Reader contain only information pertinent to education and this information is based on the experiences and observations of practicing educators.