Gregory Gilmore

Professional Portfolio

ISTE NETS and Performance Indicators


Standard 4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility


Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices. Teachers:


a. advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources

Two lessons I created for my music students focusing on Digital Copyright and Legal Music Downloads were designed to prompt my students to reflect on how they obtain digital content.  Both lessons give resources meant to clarify the difference between legal and illegal downloads and offer students the chance to interact with their peers through face-to-face conversations or online discussion boards.  I also included a section on digital copyright issues in the Final Project Web Site that I created for the faculty of Fire Prairie Middle School.  Often, teachers are confused about issues surrounding copyright and the resources contained on this website are meant as a starting point for instructors searching to clarify what can be legally used in the classroom. My students initially thought they were experts on downloading music, but most students soon realized that they had not given much thought to the legitimacy of the content they were obtaining through the internet or peers. After allowing them to explore the sites in the LiveBinder, we were able to hold an honest discussion that did not require a lecture on the perils of downloading content. As a result, many students came to accurate conclusions about the disadvantages and consequences of stealing music.


As a librarian, I often deal with copyright questions from teachers and students concerning movies, educational videos, eBooks, printed materials, and online resources. These opportunities allow me to reinforce the ethical use of print and digital media in the classroom.

b. address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies and providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources

The Special Needs Case Study that I developed with a team of classmates demonstrates my ability to research, choose, and apply digital resources and tools to differentiate instruction.  This study focuses on learning disabilities, but the same research and application process can be applied to other areas of special needs.  Another example of learner-center strategies imbedded in a lesson is contained in the Technology Integration Lesson Plan I created during my first course of this degree.  In this lesson plan, students use MusicAce to compose original compositions based on their choices of instruments, pitch, and rhythm. The Legal Music Downloads LiveBinder I created gave students a choice of legal download sites to compare and present to the rest of the class.  These sites could be sources they had used before or new sites they had not previously utilized.  During the presentation phase of the lesson, there are opportunities for students to discuss and compare various legal music sites along with their advantages and disadvantages.

c. promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information

The Faculty Resource Website I created as the final project of Introduction to Web Design compiles sites that the faculty of my building could use as a reference for digital etiquette along with how to create and maintain a personal learning network through online tools.  Other projects that model digital etiquette are the transcript of a collaborative Debate Discussion Thread and a Collaborative Lesson Script and Assessment.  Both of these resources were created with a collaborative team and focus on collaboration through Web 2.0 tools. This degree offered me many opportunities to collaborate with my classmates and colleagues; these experiences have enhanced my ability to effectively plan for collaboration through online tools and obtain professional development from online sources and practicing colleagues.  I have also demonstrated responsible social interactions for my library students through Skype visits with authors. As we prepare for each visit, we collect questions for the author and discuss appropriate interactions with a guest speaker.

d. develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital-age communication and collaboration tools

The eThemes Request I created and submitted to the eThemes team seeks online resources that demonstrate and explain vocal/choral music from different cultures.  The tools found by the eThemes team could be used in a variety of lessons and grade levels.  As a librarian, I can continue to submit eThemes requests if an eTheme for that subject or focus does not currently exist. I have also interacted with authors of children's literature through email and Skype in an effort to introduce my students to authors from different parts of the country, and help them understand the writing, editing, and publishing process.  I have created a profile on Skype in the Classroom which allows me to interact with other educators wanting to use Skype in their classroom.  I also interact with colleagues through Diigo Groups and NINGS including Web 2.0, Library 2.0, and Technology Integration in Education.